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Part 1: Setting up the Layout


In this step, we will work on setting up the application layout (Just the look and feel). By the end of this step, we will have a page that looks like this

Styled chat messages

Our goal is to have:

  • a page that contains a header with the title of the game and a grid that represents the game board.
  • The grid consists of 6 rows and 5 columns.
  • Each cell in the grid will represent a letter in the word that the user is trying to guess.
  • We will also add some styles to some of the cells to resemble the game's behavior when a user makes a guess, and we'll do that using CSS classes.

Initial Structure

We'll start with the index.html file.

  • Update the title of the page to Wordle.
  • Inside the body, create a header element with:
    • an h1 tag and Wordle as the content.
  • include the assets/styles/style.css file in the head tag of the page.
  • in the bottom of the body element, include the:
    • assets/scripts/dark-mode-toggle.js file.
    • assets/scripts/game.js file.
    • assets/scripts/main.js file.

Styling the Layout

CSS Reset

Sometime, browsers may add some default styles to the page. To get full control over your page styles, we can use a CSS reset. There are two ways to reset the default styles:

  1. We can either use a css library file like normalize.css to reset the default styles.
  • Add the following link to the head tag of the page (before our own styles are included)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  1. Or we can create our own reset styles. I'm going with this option not to over-complicate things.
    • In the styles.css file:
      • set the body margin and padding to 0.

Now actually styling things

  • body
    • Set the font-family of your liking.
    • Set the background color of the body to a dark color (I'm using #0B1623).
    • Set the color of the text to a light color (I'm using #F5F8FF).
  • header
    • Set the bottom border of the header tag to a light color (I'm using #F5F8FF).
    • Center the h1 tag in the header tag.

🦉: UI/UX best practices recommend that you don't use pure black in your background; Pure black could cause eye strain to users. That's why I'm using different dark/light color pair, feel free to use any other combination

Game Grid Layout

  • Create a div with an id of game to hold the game's elements.
  • Inside the game div, create a div with an id of wordle-grid to hold the game's grid.
    • FYI - The grid consists of 6 rows (or the number of allowed attempts) and 5 columns (or the number of letters in the word).
  • Create the grid for a single attempt (a row with 5 columns).
    • Inside the grid div, create 5 div tags with a class of letter.

Styling the Grid

Letter Boxes

  • create a style definition for the letter class in the styles.css file.
  • Modify the letter class styles in the styles.css file as follows:
    • Set the width and height of the letter class to 60px.
    • Create a border for the letter class the borders of the letter class to 2px solid <light color> (I'm using #3A3A3C).
    • Enforce a text-transformation of the letters so they are upper-cased.
    • We can set the font-size for the letters 2.4rem.
      • Click here to learn about rem.
    • Center the text in the middle of the div
💰 this is my go-to snippet for centering something horizontally and vertically in html...
  .letter {
display: grid;
place-items: center;

Game Grid

  • To Make the grid look like a grid, we can set the display property of the wordle-grid div to grid.
    • We also need to set the tracks of the grid to 5 columns.
    • We can set the gap between the columns to 8px. to spread out the letter boxes a bit
    • Learn more about CSS Grid here
💰 check out this snippet
#wordle-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(5, auto);
gap: 8px;
  • Because we're set the columns to repeat 5 times, if you go back to the HTML and add 5 more div tags with a class of letter, you should see the grid expand to 2 rows.

  • The by default, expands to the height of the div.wordle-grid. We can set the height of the to a fixed value (I'm using 70vh).

    • We can also center the div.wordle-grid in the using the display: grid and place-items: center properties.
    • Now, the grid isn't touching the header element

Back to the letter squares

As you know in the game, when a user makes a guess, the game should show the user the result of the guess.

  • It colors the square green-ish if the letter is in the word and in the correct position.
  • It colors the square yellow-ish if the letter is in the word but in the wrong position.
  • It colors the square gray-ish if the letter is not in the word.

Let's create 3 classes for each of the states:

  • correct for the green-ish color.
  • misplaced for the yellow-ish color.
  • incorrect for the gray-ish color.

to use the exact colors as Wordle, we can use the following colors:

  • #538D4E for the correct class.
  • #B59F3B for the misplaced class.
  • #3A3A3C for the incorrect class.

Assign those classes to some of the letter divs

Now the page should look like this

Layout Done