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Part 3: Networking

No we're ready to provide the correct implementation for the fetchMessages() function and the sendMessages() function.

Getting Messages:

  1. Update the fetchMessages() function to use the fetch API to get the messages from the server.
💰 Solution (don't open until you really have to)...

Using Fetch API

const serverURL = ``;

function fetchMessages() {
return fetch(serverURL)
.then( response => response.json())

  1. Where we're calling fetchMessages() in the updateMessages(), we need to make sure the function is async and we await the result from fetchMessages().
💰 Solution (don't open until you really have to)...
async function updateMessages() {
// Fetch Messages
const messages = await fetchMessages();

// Loop over the messages. Inside the loop we will
// get each message
// format it
// add it to the chatbox
  • try to log the messages variable to the console to confirm the structure of each message looks like this
"id": 1,
"text": "This is my message",
"timestamp": 1537410673072

  1. We need to make sure the function is called at least once when the page loads. We can do this by calling the function at the end of the script.
    • otherwise, we won't see any difference.

  1. Use setInterval() to call this function once every 10 seconds to keep the new messages coming.

    setInterval(updateMessages, 10000);
    • the number 10000 in this scenario is what we refer to as a magic number. it's a value of some significance but someone looking at this may not easily understand what this value is
      • we like to set this value to a variable to make this a bit more readable.
    setInterval(updateMessages, MILLISECONDS_IN_TEN_SECONDS);

Sending Messages

  1. Create a send function that would:
    • take the username, and message text as parameter
    • construct a json object with the following properties sender, text, and timestamp
    • send messages to the server here
💰 Solution (don't open until you really have to)...
function sendMessages(username, text) {
const newMessage = {
sender: username,
text: text,
timestamp: new Date()

fetch (serverURL, {
method: `POST`,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(newMessage)